Lorenz×Marianne Support Conversations
C Support
ローレンツ: やあ、マリアンヌさん。ご機嫌いかがかな?
Lorenz: Hello, Marianne. You’re well, I hope?
マリアンヌ: ……はい、ローレンツさん。私は、元気です……。
Marianne: I am, Lorenz. Thank you.
ローレンツ: ……機嫌が良さそうにも、元気そうにも見えないが。
Lorenz: I cannot help but notice you do not look it.
マリアンヌ: そうでしょうか……。いつもと同じです……。
Marianne: Is that so? I feel fine.
ローレンツ: ふむ……。
Lorenz: Hmm…
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: …
ローレンツ: ………………。
Lorenz: …
マリアンヌ: あ、あの……。何でしょうか……。
Marianne: W-was there something you needed?
ローレンツ: おっと、失礼。僕としたことが、女性をジロジロと見てしまうとは。
Lorenz: How unseemly of me. My apologies. It is not me intention to stare.
マリアンヌ: 私、何かおかしいですか……?
Marianne: Does something about me seem off?
ローレンツ: いや、お父上のことを思い出していたのだ。君との共通点はあるのだろうか、と。
Lorenz: Not at all. I was just remembering your father. Or, rather, comparing my experience of him to you.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: …
ローレンツ: 君のお父上、エドマンド辺境伯は、辣腕の論客だ。同盟でも屈指の、な。
Lorenz: Your father, Margrave Edmund. He is one of the shrewdest nobles in all the Alliance, with a noted fist for pointed speech.
On and beyond the battlefield, his words have the power to move friend and foe alike.
My own father has said he would not want to make an enemy of him. Naturally, I am of the same mind.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: …
ローレンツ: 彼はいつも多弁で自信に満ちている。それに比べて君は、無口で俯きがち……
Lorenz: Your father is blessed with gifts of confidence and eloquence. Yet, compared to him, you seem always reticent and downcast.
Uh! Oh―I’m… I’m sorry. I don’t mean to cause you discomfort. It’s just that the contrast between you and your father is striking.
マリアンヌ: 私は……義父とは違いますので……。
Marianne: I have very little in common with my adoptive father.
ローレンツ: しかし、お父上は君に何かを期待して、ガルグ=マクに寄越したのだろう?
Lorenz: But he sent you to Garreg Mach. Clearly he sees potential in you. I think I see it too. Yes, a certain charm. Gravitas, if you will. Just like him.
ローレンツ: ……っ!
Lorenz: Ah!
マリアンヌ: 義父のことは……わかりません……。私は、もう行きますね……。
Marianne: I can’t say that I know too much about him, I should be going now.
ローレンツ: あ、ああ。それでは気をつけて……。
Lorenz: Yes. Yes, of course. Please, take care.
Oh, such grace! Such serenity! How could such a beauty be hiding in plain sight?
With a little polish, she would shine magnificently…
C+ Support
ローレンツ: マリアンヌさん。君は、花は好きかな?
Lorenz: Tell me, Marianne, do you have a love of flowers?
マリアンヌ: ……はあ。嫌いではありませんが……。
Marianne: Um. Well, I don't dislike them.
ローレンツ: 美しい花が咲く場所を見つけたのだ。君にも見せたいと思ってね。
Lorenz: I've happened upon a spot that's just teeming with splendid blossoms. Would you like me to show you?
マリアンヌ: 遠慮します……。私に関わらないでください……。
Marianne: I think i would rather stay. It would be for the best if you kept your distance from me.
ローレンツ: ならば、その花を摘んでくるから、君に贈らせてくれないか。
Lorenz: Well, perhaps I could pick a few of the nicest and present them to you?
With a beautiful bouquet in your arms, your magnificence would rival that of even the goddess.
マリアンヌ: 女神様は、恥じらったりしません……。
Marianne: I would never compare myself to the beauty of the goddess.
ローレンツ: ……手強いな。まあいい。ん? 君、素敵なハンカチを持っているな。
Lorenz: I see. Well, I don't mind. Oh, that is a lovely handkerchief you've got there.
Did you know that a handkerchief reflects the sensitivity of its owner? Yours tells me that you have quite a refined sensibility.
If only you applied yourself a little more to the rest of your ensemble, there is no doubt in my mind...
マリアンヌ: ハンカチ、気に入ったのなら差し上げます……。
Marianne: If you admire my handkerchief so much, you may have it.
ローレンツ: いや、欲しいわけでは……。
Lorenz: Ah! No, please. That is not what I meant.
マリアンヌ: それは、義父が持たせてくれたものです。私が選んだわけではありません……。
Marianne: It was a gift from my adoptive father. I didn't choose it for myself. I'm sure I don't share his refined sensibilities though, considering how little he and I have in common. I have to go.
ローレンツ: なぜだ、なぜなのだ……。
Lorenz: Such beauty, and yet...
With just a little polish, she'd be a marvel.
If only she'd put in some effort...
Hm... I wonder. Indeed! I shall make it my mission to awaken her beauty!
There is nothing that I, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, cannot do!
B Support
ローレンツ: ………………。
Lorenz: ...
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: ...
ローレンツ: ………………。
Lorenz: ...
マリアンヌ: あ、あの……。
Marianne: Ah, um...
ローレンツ: ……うん? 何だね、マリアンヌさん。
Lorenz: Hm? What is it, Marianne?
マリアンヌ: 最近、私の近くで食事しているようですが、なぜですか……?
Marianne: I'm curious why you've been eating your meals near me as of late... I'm not much for conversation... I'm always at a loss for words... and I never know how to respond to questions.
ローレンツ: 賑やかな食事を好む者もいるが、僕は静かにゆっくりと楽しみたいほうでね。
Lorenz: It's true that there are some who prefer a lively dinner table. But I prefer to eat in peace. With you, my meals are a relaxing experience. In fact, you are the most peaceful dining companion I've ever had.
マリアンヌ: そ、そうですか……。
Marianne: R-really?
ローレンツ: それに、君の所作はとても品がある。食器の扱い方が美しい者は大変好ましい。
Lorenz: There is a real grace and fluidity to your every movement. I greatly appreciate refined table manners.
Observing you all this time, I believe I've realized what is so striking about you.
Your beauty comes from the heart. It is an inner beauty.
It is not some flamboyant pageantry, a product of external adornment or grooming.
When I first noticed it, I thought that it could use some refinement. A little polish.
But I was mistaken. You are perfect in your natural state. Just as you are.
マリアンヌ: このままの……いい……?
Marianne: You think I'm beautiful... just the way I am?
ローレンツ: ああ、そうだ。君に上辺の美など蛇足の極みだよ。
Lorenz: Certainly. To add a superficial luster on top of what you already possess would be offensively redundant.
マリアンヌ: そ、そんなことを言われたのは、初めてです……。
Marianne: No one's ever said anything like that to me before...
ローレンツ: ならば他の者に見る目がないのだ。この僕の目利きに敵う者はいないのだから。
Lorenz: Alas, I am the only one with eyes. But perhaps it is for the best that your beauty not be revealed to all the world. Yes, it is certainly better that only I, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, can appreciate your true magnificence! And on that note, I bid you farewell!
マリアンヌ: へ、変な人……。でも……このままでいい、か……。
Marianne: What a strange person... But being called beautiful just the way I am? That was nice to hear.
A Support
ローレンツ: やあ、マリアンヌさん。先日君に借りた書物は、実に面白かった。
Lorenz: Ah, Marianne. I've been meaning to thank you. The books that you lent me have proved most fascinating. Would you permit me to offer you tea, as a token of my gratitude?
マリアンヌ: え、あ、あの……。少し用があるので、夕方でも……。
Marianne: Um, I'm a little busy right now. Maybe later tonight?
ローレンツ: 夕方だね、承知した。楽しみに待っているよ。
Lorenz: Of course. I will look forward to it.
マリアンヌ: 本日は、お招きいただき、ありがとうございます……。
Marianne: Thank you for inviting me over.
ローレンツ: 来てくれて嬉しいよ。そうかしこまらないでくれたまえ。
Lorenz: Certainly! Thank you for coming. And please, relax. This is no formal occasion.
マリアンヌ: あ、あの、お茶、とても美味しいです。
Marianne: Oh! This tea tastes so good!
ローレンツ: そうか!
Lorenz: Doesn't it just?
マリアンヌ: あ、あの、お茶、とても美味しいです。
Marianne: This is my absolute favorite.
ローレンツ: そうか! 僕の好きな銘柄だが、気に入ってもらえて嬉しいよ。
Lorenz: I'm pleased you like it. This pastry may suit your palate also. It is commonly paired with this tea, in my homeland.
マリアンヌ: はい。甘くて……渋めのこのお茶によく合います……。
Marianne: Ah, it's sweet. It complements the astringency of the tea.
ローレンツ: それは良かった! 君とは味の好みも合う。是非また、お茶の相手をしてくれたまえ。
Lorenz: You have exquisite taste! And there is plenty more where that came from. We simply must do this again.
マリアンヌ: 私で、良いのでしょうか……。
Marianne: You want to spend more time with me?
ローレンツ: 何を言う! 僕は君が良いのだよ。
Lorenz: Naturally.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: Well that's... Actually there's something I need to say.
ローレンツ: ……ん? 何だね?
Lorenz: Yes? What is it?
マリアンヌ: ずっと、隠してきたことがあるんです。実は……あの……私には……
Marianne: I've been keeping this from you for a while. It's... It's about my Crest. It's just terrible. I―
ローレンツ: もういい!やめたまえ、マリアンヌさん!
Lorenz: Please, that's quite enough!
マリアンヌ: ……!
Marianne: Oh!
ローレンツ: 震えているじゃないか。そうまでして僕に何かを打ち明ける必要などない!
Lorenz: You're trembling. If uttering this secret hurts you, then I have no desire to hear it.
マリアンヌ: で、でも……。
Marianne: It-it's just...
ローレンツ: 僕が見たいのは、そんな君じゃない。笑顔の君が見たいんだ。
Lorenz: Your smile is a greater gift to me than any truth. Whatever you have hitherto concealed, I am certain it is essential to you. And I do wish to know it. But not until the day arrives when you can tell me with a smile on your face. I am not the sort of man to prize my own knowledge over others' happiness, you know. Besides. The mystery is part of your charm.
マリアンヌ: ……ふ、ふふふふ。
Marianne: Hehehe! You're funny, Lorenz...
ローレンツ: おお、良い笑顔だ。静謐な美も良いが、晴れやかな美も良い。
Lorenz: There! That's what I mean! Your beauty has always captivated, but that smile truly warms my heart!
マリアンヌ: 笑ったの、久しぶりです。あなたなら、私を変えてくれそう……
Marianne: This is the first time I've smiled in so long... and I have your kindness to thank for that.
ローレンツ: ははは。そのままでいいと言っているのに、君は変わりたいと言うのか?
Lorenz: As I've said, you are perfect just as you are. But I suppose I can take a little credit!
Yes, your radiant smile shall illuminate all the world! With me by your side, you will not be able to help it!
マリアンヌ: はい……!私、頑張ってみます……。
Marianne: Hehehe! I'm looking forward to that.